
Half Guard Sweep When Your Opponent Defends the Old School Sweep

Half Guard Sweep When Your Opponent Defends the Old School Sweep

As the old saying goes, BJJ is like a game of chess, you have to be a few moves ahead of your opponent and this video shows you one way of doing this; attacking with the Old School sweep can set you up for other sweeps and if you hit the Old School, well done!

This video follows on from an earlier video BJJ black belt Carl Fisher made on the Old School sweep, which shows another sweep to use when your opponent defends the old school sweep.


Using The BJJ ‘Old School’ Half Guard System To Easily Sweep More Powerful Opponents

Do you feel like your guard game is not good enough? Do you lack confidence when sparring or competing? Perhaps you have been training for years, and still find yourself feeling frustrated when dominated by bigger, stronger, faster, and more aggressive opponents? The Lotus Lockdown will change your perception of Jiu-Jitsu and unleash your true potential FAST!

Magnus Hansson, 3rd-degree blackbelt under Duda Suares (Gi) and Eddie Bravo’s 1st European blackbelt shows everything there is to know about the Lockdown in a Gi with new revolutionary details. Modified from its original, the Lotus Lockdown will change the way you approach this powerful half-guard. Let the Lotus Lockdown be your solution!