
A Guide To Competing In MMA For The First Time

A Guide To Competing In MMA For The First Time

Guest post by Mark Lajhner, founder and chief instructor of Kaizen MMA Academy in Belgrade, Serbia. He is a Judo black belt (Serbian national team member), BJJ purple belt and multiple medallist in Freesyle Wrestling. You can find Mark Lajhner’s FREE MMA course Here.

If you are about to start competing in MMA or you recently started – this guide is for you.
In it I talk about:

1. Weight cutting.
2. Pre-contest meal.
3. How to warm up before the fight.
4. Pre-fight jitters and how to deal with it.
5. How to set the right expectations (both as a competitor and as a coach).

This is my first vlog type of a video which I always wanted to do but never did. I hope you enjoy it and let me know if you liked it and whether you’d like to see more of this type of a video.