
Five Ways to Improve Your Jiu-Jitsu When You Cannot Train

Five Ways to Improve Your Jiu-Jitsu When You Cannot Train

Amidst the global pandemic known as the Novel Coronavirus, an abrupt shift in the lives of many people around the world has taken place. For Jiu-Jitsu practitioners specifically, regular training routines, competitions, seminars, and other events have come to a complete stop in many areas. While we anticipate this interruption to be temporary, it does beg the question of what to do during this time of social distancing. In this article, I will describe five ways to continue to improve when you cannot train with your partners at the academy.

Online video

This first one is obvious. Over the last several years, Jiu-Jitsu practitioners have been highly interested in watching Jiu-Jitsu online in all of the vast mediums and sites in which this is possible. The most valuable tip I can give regarding online videos is to understand that not all online content is created equal. Many of them lack details, and it is important to take what you are viewing in stride. One of the most common mistakes inexperienced students make is seeing something online, then get frustrated and confused when they cannot get the move to work the next day when live rolling. It is vital to remember that while short videos can be a good starting point, more detailed instructional videos from some of the most skilled practitioners in the world are now available, and can be an instrumental part of your development.

Solo drills

This another area that should be no surprise to many. Exercises such as shrimping, bridging, technical base get-ups, forward and backward rolls, and break falls are something that can be done every day while waiting for your academy to re-open. Furthermore, movements with grappling dummies can provide and extra element to your solo movement drills.

Healthy eating

One of the many great things about the Jiu-Jitsu lifestyle is that healthy eating and training go together hand in hand. To perform most effectively and get the most benefit from your training, a healthy diet is essential. Now more than ever, starting or maintaining a healthy diet should be part of your journey.

Strength, flexibility, and cardio training

During a break in group classes, there is now more time to integrate strength training, stretching, and cardio drills such as sprints, jump rope, etc. into your daily habits. Many practitioners do this anyway. While Jiu-Jitsu does not require the attributes of strength and flexibility to be valuable, they definitely help!


Finally, using a couple of weeks to recuperate can be extremely valuable in your overall journey. Many of us, myself included, stubbornly train through nagging injuries when the better thing to do is stop training and allow the healing process to happen. Drilling technique and rolling several times a week can cause damage over time. A couple of weeks of rest can be instrumental in recovery.

This is a difficult time for many people around the world. One of the best things about Jiu-Jitsu practitioners is that we learn to effectively handle uncomfortable situations without stressing out or overreacting. There is no better time than now to display the Jiu-Jitsu philosophy to the current world situation. Train hard and be safe!

Tyson Kilbey is a Jiu-Jitsu and Fire*rms instructor in the Midwest United States. He is an author of popular books and articles in several categories of personal defense-related topics and frequently conducts training events throughout the year.

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