Sode guruma jime (“sleeve wheel constriction”) is a type of Judo chokehold, which compresses the opponent’s trachea or the carotid arteries. The technique can be executed from a variety of positions, but is generally performed by wrapping one arm behind the opponent’s head and grasping onto the sleeve of the gi with the opposite hand. While holding onto the sleeve for leverage, the opposite forearm is brought down across the throat and clinched tight. The choke is directly aided by the use of a gi but has also been adapted for no-gi application.
Sode guruma jime is widely known as an Ezequiel or Ezekiel choke (Portuguese: estrangulamento Ezequiel) in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The chokehold was renamed in memory of Ezequiel Paraguassu, a Brazilian judoka. Paraguassu reportedly had difficulty in passing the guards of jiu-jitsu practitioners at Carlson Gracie’s academy and instead, he had managed to use sode guruma jime successfully inside their guards.
The Ezekiel is normally used in the Gi, using your own sleeve.
So you’re stuck in Mount and the opponent is locking in an Ezekiel Choke… How are you supposed to defend against this?
Well, here’s one relatively simple technique. Kennet Ekelund Waale demonstrates it below:
Attack The Ezekiel Choke In A Whole New Way, As Kennet Ekelund Waale Teaches A Mastercourse In How To Add This Underused Choke To Your Submission Arsenal.
- This 4-part series breaks down in extreme detail how to use the ezekiel choke to its maximum, with a focus on concepts and the functional mechanics of the choke.
- See what makes the Ezekiel work as Kennet teaches you how to apply the choke from the most useful positions and get the tap against tough resistance and escape attempts.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.