Luta Livre seems to be the forgotten son of the grappling arts. Its “big brother” rival Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has had the tremendous success that we all know, and has changed the martial arts world since UFC1 while Luta Livre stayed in the shadows…Most grapplers don’t even know what Luta Livre really is or its history.
History Of Luta Livre & Reasons For Lack Of “Mainstream” Popularity
Luta Livre black belt Nicolas Renier is arguably the most accomplished No Gi Grappler in Europe, having been Fila World Grappling champion, and being the only European to participate in 6 ADCCs. He teaches in Paris, in his club called NRFight Club.
Here is what Niolas Renier has to say about Luta Livre and how it differs from No Gi Jiu-Jitsu:
Luta Livre is a combat sport in its own right, it has a history, its own techniques, an international federation with grades … It can be practiced in kimono pants or shorts with a rash guard. I find Luta Livre really effective, it goes straight to the goal which is to submit, we are not trying to adopt the set format from BJJ which is pass the guard, stabilize cross position, take the mount … We always try to surprise the opponent by going where he does not expect.
Training Report: Luta Livre, NR Fight Club in Paris, France
Nicolas made this interesting video showing the difference between Luta Livre and Jiu-Jitsu when it comes to guard passing:
Laugh Off Most Any Guillotine with Luta Livre grappling techniques that this 6x ADCC veteran uses to stay safe.
- Get out from one of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu’s most common chokes with luta livre fighter Nicolas Renier’s secrets to becoming an escape artist.
- Nicolas Renier has found huge success with these moves, and you can ward off guillotines from top, bottom, and everywhere in between with these tactics. Get 10% OFF with code ‘BJJEE’.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.