
Counter Jiu-Jitsu’s Most Dangerous Technique by Taking the Back

Counter Jiu-Jitsu’s Most Dangerous Technique by Taking the Back

kani basami was used to deliberately injure people especially in Japan. Before the technique was banned many high-schools/colleges in Japan sent some of their players to practise with other schools’ best players (people who were considered a threat to their best players in competition) before big competitions in order to cripple them. This kept happening over and over again, a pattern was noticed by the officials and kani-basami was banned.

The famed BJJ instructor John Danaher has noticed over the years that 90 percent of injuries in BJJ happen because of bodies falling in an uncontrolled manner.

This is why he has banned 3 techniques from his classes:

Guard jumping aka jumping to closed guard.
Scissor takedowns.
Tani Otoshi.

Kani-basami is dangerous to the knees, nothing is lost with it being banned judo and BJJ.

BJJ black belt Wim Deputter show how to counter Jiu Jitsu’s most dangerous technique by taking the back.

In this video, he shows how to use the ‘Rocking Chair’ concepts to stop and defend the flying scissor takedown, and set up the truck and take the back.

The standing body lock is an amazing way to control your opponent and one of the best positions to go for a takedown.

This video will not only show you how to prevent / defend the flying scissor as well as set your opponent up for a potential takedown or backtake.