Berimbolos… You can either love them or hate them. But the reality is, most BJJ athletes doing Berimbolos could be doing them a little better – which is why you have a chance to Leg Lock them in the process.
You may not like it and may not do it, but the Berimbolo when done correctly by someone who is specialized in it(for ex: Gianni Grippo, Mendes & Miyao bros) You will get swept or submitted.
For those that refuse to do the Berimbolo, that’s your right but you should at least know how it works, how to stop it and even better how to counter it.
How about if you punish their attempt with a nasty leg lock?
If they don’t have good hip control over you and their secondary leg is just “hanging” there, you should go for the following setup by Sathya Wiltse:
Attack The Legs With Pedigo Submission Fighting’s Sathya “Bird” Wiltse’s Innovative Bird Lock As He Shows You The System You Can Use For This Powerful Ankle Lock.
- See how a simple grip change can help you get a much more powerful ankle lock as Bird Wiltse shows you his signature Bird Lock that has built him a reputation in competition as a dangerous submission artist.
- Finish these ankle lock variations from everywhere with Bird’s advice on how to get the tap from a traditional ashi garami, against standing opponents, 50/50, and much more.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.