Combat Jiu Jitsu has been attracting attention since the event first got started. In a way this event was developed from old community Challenge footage.
“The Brazilians, they like the idea of combat jiu-jitsu. It’s when you look at those old Gracie in action tapes – it’s Rickson Gracie, and Rorion going to Hapkido gyms and doing challenges. And Royce against … They’re just palm striking them they’re not really knocking them out they’re just opening submissions.
But the commission they thought I was probably crazy. Palm strikes? What? “
However the event initially hit a snag when it came to featuring the upkicks due to technicalities.
“Allowing upkicks will force the guy standing to get down and pass the guard. Again, cjj is all about Jiu Jitsu. The strikes weren’t added for tkos, they were added to open up submissions “
And now we’ve received a confirmation from the latest fight companion that upkicks will indeed be a part of the next EBI. Eddie Bravo said:
“You know um kicks are now illegal in combat jujitsu – they’re legal. ” Bravo confirmed to Rogan’s surprise.
“We added them to combat jiujitsu because guys were getting too comfortable in purgatory, just standing over guys they didn’t want to go into anybody’s guard. That could kill the show so now with the
threat. It’s really easy to deal with up kick so all they got to do is just get to their knees and start passing!”
Do you think this is a good idea?