In the span of about 18 months: Gordon Ryan Went From 163 Lbs To 232 Lbs & Back To 194 LBS & Transformed Himself From a Relatively Unknown Grappler To The Best No Gi Grappler On Earth, winning Gold at ADCC.
For 2 months, JoshRichBJJ, a youtuber BJJ blue belt followed Gordon Ryan’s workout plan, then entered a Jiu Jitsu Tournament to see if it helped his jiu jitsu.
How will you love to describe yourself? As a grappler? or as a strength trainer? If you contrive to be successful on the mat you better figure it out here fairly promptly. There are lots of basic differences between them. One is a kinda performer who strength trains and another one just grapples. Now if you are still confused, check this out:
Simply it can be said that a grappler is someone who only cares for on-the-mat performance. His or her basic training focuses on how to defeat the opponents by the end of the match. Strength work, conditioning etc aren’t specifically about grappling but they are added only to improve the techniques of grappling. A strength trainer, on the other hand, cares only about his own body structure. By now if you figured out that you are the second one then you need not go through this article more. There are many schooled and experienced people who can help you to succeed for those quests.
If you are looking to take your martial arts skills to the next level, consider starting a strength and conditioning program.
Why are SUPERSETS the key to Nicky Rod’s “pump”?
- ADCC silver medalist Nicky Rod’s unique and simple workout tweaks will take you to BEAST MODE in no time!
- You don’t have to be a high level wrestler to get a high level GAS TANK!
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.