It’s a common misconception that athletes cannot eat a plant-based diet, because it does not provide the protein they need. In fact, many world class athletes are vegetarians or vegans. Here are famous athletes with Plant based diets:
Mixed martial arts fighters Mac Danzig, Jake Shields, James Wilks
Tennis greats Martina Navratilova and Billie Jean King
Boston Celtic Robert Parish
MLB first baseman Prince Fielder
Iron Man world champion Dave Scott
Gold medalist Carl Lewis
BJJ purple belt Will Brooks talks about his experience with being a plant based BJJ practitioner and weightlifter for the past 3 years.
This is his honest opinion of his journey after 3 years of walking the walk! If you’re thinking about going vegan or know someone who is thinking about it…this is for you.
Will stated:
Do not worry about where you’re gonna get protein from, plants have protein, so do your research, there’s lots of information out there. Topics like health and nutrition, animal advocacy, different foods, building muscle, it all depends on your goals. I also want to say that when I first started, people in my life would make fun of me; you cannot take that personally, it’s often a reflection of how they feel. They see you doing the right thing and they lash out because they see me making good choices and it makes them self-conscious and guilty for their own choices.
If you’re ready to trade in your “Dad Bod” or you’ve always wondered if there was an easy-to-follow nutritional and exercise plan that will get you in the best shape in your life, without endless hours in the gym or trying to survive on lettuce and water, then look no more. BJJ Fanatics has brought one of the most respected BJJ martial artists, teachers and school owners, Tom DeBlass in to share the simple to follow secrets that have him in the best shape of his life at age 35! Check out “Ripped in 12 Weeks” available here where Tom will share all of his nutritional and fitness secrets in an easy to follow format, complete with guidebooks and recipes.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.