If you’re a BJJ instructor, you’ve probably seen the following behavior. There’s a white belt in your class that sometimes takes the liberty of showing techniques to other students. He gives suggestions and makes corrections to others’ techniques, acting as if what he’s showing is absolutely correct (it isn’t).
You, as the real coach, need to put a stop to this behavior. Don’t let your white belt students coach others during class.
Here’s the thing. It can be easy to want to be nice to everyone when you’re a BJJ instructor, to not want to scuffle any feathers. However, you need to set boundaries… And those boundaries have, more than anything, to do with your students’ well-being.
And, if your students are learning techniques incorrectly, that’s one of the things you need to draw a line against.
So, if you have white belts who try and coach others through the techniques, just let these students know that you are the coach. And that it would be kind of them to let you do what you’re set out to do.
Make them feel appreciated for wanting to help out. But, pull them aside (so that others can’t hear) and let them know that it’s in everyone’s best interest to learn to the best of their abilities.
Nick “Chewy” Albin shares more on what to, on the video below: