
BJJ Black Belt Promotion on Zoom

BJJ Black Belt Promotion on Zoom

In these unusual times with social distancing, we have just witnessed the first ever Black Belt promotion on Zoom.

The lucky recipient is Ahmed Al Ketbi, the BJJ competitor from the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES who got his promotion on ZOOM because of COVID-19 virus quarantine by master Samy AL Jamal 5th degree black belt.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is far from being as serious and strict as other forms of martial arts. The main reason is probably due to the fact of it being a martial art/sport that has mostly been developed in Brazil. It would be unavoidable for it not to be influenced by the personality and laid back way of living of the Brazilian people. This also translates to the way BJJ belts are graded. Surely there are very positive and also not so positive points that come with it and this is what helped to form the way our beloved sport goes nowadays.

Conventional & Unconventional Ways of Getting Promoted in BJJ