
BJJ Basics: Learn These 3 Types Of Top Mount Posture

BJJ Basics: Learn These 3 Types Of Top Mount Posture

If you’re just starting out in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, things can seem a bit complicated and a bit more then hectic at times. But when you break it down, BJJ is simply comprised out of a set of rules that you’ve got to learn… And then play by them (and, with time, against them) to the best of your ability. In other words, you should try to break down Jiu-Jitsu into the most simple of segments possible.
Try to do that with every situation; for example, with escaping Mount. Burton Richardson explains and demonstrates.



When looking to escape Mount, Richardson explains that you should realize that your opponent can have one out of three basic postures. In the first example, they can be totally upright. This can be a living nightmare if you find yourself in a situation where strikes are being thrown; as your opponent can generate a lot of power when punching from this position.
Secondly, they can lower themselves down and spread out their base with their arms. In this position, you are safe(r) from the punches and you have a lot more space to maneuver for your escape. And thirdly, your opponent can grab your head while being so low – which adds much more control to their setups.

Of course, there are many more variations of the top Mount posture. But the main idea to understand from here, explains Richardson, is that you want your opponent in a lowered-down position, in which they don’t have control over your head.
Check out the video below to understand the full picture: