That’s right — it’s all about proper nutrition. It’s time to talk about what we consume, particularly after a hard training session.
With all the effort you put into your training, it’s normal to feel pretty ravenous afterwards. But before you even think about heading to your favorite fast food join or restaurant, maybe it’s best if you reconsidered what could be good for your body.
When deciding what to get your hands on after training, look out for foods that are easily digested and absorbed by the body. It’s a good idea to lean towards whole foods that are packed with micronutrients that can heal, repair and reinvigorate your body, especially after a strenuous martial arts class.
Dr Jackie talks to coach Phil Daru about post training nutrition.
If you are not sure where to start and how to eat well, check out our newest and best-selling diet product from George Lockhart. Lockhart is one of the UFC’s leading nutritionist and has helped some of the best professional athletes in the world lose weight and doing it in a healthy fashion. Lockhart is the real deal and this product can literally change your life. It is an E-Book and a DVD. This is also available as a digital download below.