Just started training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Awesome! For now, you should learn some basic techniques, especially defensive ones; such as the basic Side Control escape.
Escaping the sidecontrol is one of the biggest challenges any beginner faces and it’s paramount to mastering bjj or even just saying you have rudimentary skills.
Coming out of side control is no joke, especially when heavily outweighed by your opponent.
But how do you go about learning to escape a really tight sidecontrol?
Know that feeling of being crushed in Side Control? Yeah, not a pleasant one.
Here’s how to do it, as explained by BJJ legend Roy Dean:
See all the best ways to create space and find escapes from bottom, including pendulums, c grips, stand ups, underhooks, and more.
- Get out of bottom position and right on the attack, with technical advice on how to set up omoplatas, ankle picks, back takes, and tons of other sweeps.
- Lucas is one of the most precise and effective grapplers and coaches in the world, with 7 world titles of his own and many successful students.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.