If you’re a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu white belt, then it’s only normal that you’ll be making mistakes. You have to start from somewhere, after all… However, some of these mistakes are a big no-no and need not be made at all!
Here are 6 of them. Try to stop making them, because you’ll be doing an enormous favor to your training partners.
The first, and perhaps the biggest mistake white belts make is rolling too hard. You know that person; they spar as if their life depends on it. This way, they’re risking their training partners’ health, as well as their own.
So, if you’re making this mistake, it’s time to slow down and use the rolling sessions as they’re supposed to be used; as learning opportunities, not as life or death matches.
Some white belts try to choke people while in their guard. Not only will this not work for you, but you’re also exposing your arms for Armbars and other submissions.
Your priority while in someone’s guard is to escape it. Here, you’re on the defensive… As soon as you’re out of it, you can start with your offense again.
Then again, some white belts are too enthusiastic about training in another way. That is, they try to coach others.
Listen. No matter how much you (think you) know, you’re in no business coaching others how to perform techniques. Especially if it’s mid-roll. Just focus on drilling and rolling, and leave the corrections for your coach.
And do you know what’s the easiest way to get injured? Yup, it’s by not warming up nor stretching properly; which is something that some white belts do on a regular basis.
So, don’t sandbag your warm-ups before training and your stretching after training. Do both of it thoroughly and your body will thank you for it.
On the flipside, some people are jerks on the mats. They use submissions that put their training partners in a high danger of injury, and they move in an extremely reckless matter.
Slow down, you’re not in competition. Ask your coach which submissions are allowed and how to do them in a safe manner. You need your training partners and must not injure them.
And finally, one of the gravest mistakes BJJ white belts make is talking during training. They joke around, talk about their life with other training partners, and similar.
There’s a time and a place for socialization. But doing it during drills or rolls isn’t one.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.