
5 Simple DIY Dog Treat Recipes Your Pet Will Love

5 Simple DIY Dog Treat Recipes Your Pet Will Love

You don’t have to go out and spend a fortune to get your pet some good treats! Here are some simple DIY dog treat recipes your furry friend will love.

There are about 85 million households with pets in America. For the last 30 years, the numbers have grown from 56 percent to 68 percent. Pet owners spend roughly $300 annually on pet food and treats. The pet food market is expected to grow to $30 billion by 2022.

As a dog owner, you should no longer go for traditional dog foods. Even though it may be expensive, you should feed your pet with fresh and healthy food.

You can incorporate a dog treat in their diet, but it should not take up more than five percent of the pet’s total calorie intake. Since they offer a small percentage of the total calories, treats should be nutritionally complete.

Here are some simple treats you can make for your dog while at home.

1. Peanut Butter Treats

The peanut butter treat is quick and easy to make. It also leaves your kitchen smelling pleasant. All you need is two cups of flour, two eggs, peanut butter, and a quarter cup of water.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix the flour, butter, and eggs in a large bowl. Then, add water in small bits until the mixture becomes wet enough to roll as a dough.

You can then roll the dough and cut out different shapes using a cookie cutter. Finally, bake the cutouts for about 15 minutes.

You can store half the treats in the pantry and the other half in the freezer for future use.

2. Dog Biscuit Treats

Treat your dog to some homemade biscuits using this five-ingredient recipe.

The ingredients include one cup of beef broth, a half cup of flaxseed, one cup of whole wheat flour, a quarter cup of butter, and one cup of oats.

Let your oven heat up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix together the oats, flaxseed, and flour in a bowl before adding the broth and peanut butter.

Mix it until the dough becomes thick enough to roll. Then, make cut-outs according to the shape you desire. Bake the cutouts until they turn golden brown.

Let the treats cool and store them for a whole week in an airtight container before feeding your dog.

3. Fruity Frosty Treats

There are some fruits that dogs can eat. You can provide your dog with a simple fruit treat that requires no cooking.

It is an excellent recipe for new pet owners. All you need is watermelon, yogurt, and raspberries. Mix the three ingredients and put the mixture in an ice tray.

The treats are ready once the mixture is fully frozen.

4. Ginger Apple Treats

Is your dog allergic to grains? You can instead prepare ginger apple treats.

You only need to have one cup of diced apples, one cup of rice flour, two-thirds of a cup of plain yogurt, one tablespoon of coconut oil, and half a teaspoon of ginger.

You should mix all the ingredients to make a dough that you can roll. Then cut out pieces of the dough and bake them in your already preheated oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

You should bake the treats for 25 minutes.

5. Diabetic Treats

If your dog is diabetic, you can still provide them with treats. All you need is half a cup of whole flour, one and a half pounds of beef liver, and two eggs.

Use a food processor to finely chop the liver before you can mix it with the flour and eggs. Transfer the mixture to a pan and bake it for 15 minutes in the preheated oven that is at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Once done, make cutouts using a pizza cutter and store the treats in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Whilst your dog is tucking in, why not treat yourself too with a healthy home cooked meal or by ordering from a keto diet delivery service.

Why Should You Make a Homemade Dog Treat?

By making your dog treat, you have better control of the number of calories you are providing your pet.

Additionally, you can make adjustments to the portion size as you see fit and save on food costs. You do not have to be the best chef in the world.

Get more information on dog treats from other articles on our blog.