
Top 5 Jiu-Jitsu Injuries (& How To Roll With Them!)

Top 5 Jiu-Jitsu Injuries (& How To Roll With Them!)

Injuries are the best or worst thing that can happen to your jiu-jitsu; it all depends on how you roll with them! In this much needed video, Rener Gracie and Alex Ueda detail the five most common injuries in jiu-jitsu, and they discuss the common causes, treatment tips, and training modifications you can use to get back on the mat as quickly and safely as possible.

Share this with all your jiu-jitsu friends. At one point or another, every dedicated practitioner will get injured, and one good piece of advice on this topic can go a long way when it comes to proper healing and a safe return to the mat!





Watch Rener’s Lower Back Rehabilitation Video. Rener says about the exercises:

Even though my back has fully recovered, I continue to do this lumbar strengthening routine at least 3-4 times a week (during rehab I did it every day). Start at level 1 and once you find your balance, you can go to level 2. Once level 2 gets too easy, you can place your feet on an elevated platform (6-8 inches) for level 3. Start with 25 reps on each side, 3 sets, then increase the number of reps to 50, 75 and once you’re then 100 on each side for 3 sets.