
An Inside Look at Chris Weidman’s Strength & Conditioning Training

An Inside Look at Chris Weidman’s Strength & Conditioning Training


Former UFC champion Chris Weidman always comes into fight in great shape.

As far as his day-to-day preparation, Weidman shared with Bleacher Report his normal training schedule to show what a high-level UFC fighter does to get ready for a championship bout:



—8 a.m.—Bike ride.

—1:30 p.m.—Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

—8:30 p.m.—Heavy pad work with strength and conditioning.

Weidman hits the pads for about six rounds, and directly after, he has circuit training.

First Circuit

Double-arm rope slams for 30 seconds.

Squat to push press 30-pound dumbbells.

Car push 60 yards.

Fireman rope pull 200-pound sled.

Farmers’ walk 60 yards with 80-pound dumbbells.

(This circuit is done two consecutive times before he segues to the second circuit).

Second Circuit

Jumping jacks with battle ropes for 30 seconds.

15-20-second static hold on chin-up bar.

Push-up to dumbbell row for 20 reps.

Static hold with band in a seated-row position.

Bungee-cord run.





Light pad work in the morning, and sparring in the afternoon.




—8 a.m.—Bike ride,

—1 p.m.—Wrestling at Hofstra University.

—8:30 p.m.—Strength and conditioning.

Five-Minute/Five-Round Circuit with One-Minute Rest Period

30-second incline run 8 mph at 7.5 percent incline.

20 thrusters (squat with press).

20 one-arm dumbbell row with 50 pounds.

20 medium ball push-ups.

20 dumbbell hammer curls with 25 pounds.

20 power toe touches with medium ball.


Brazilian jiu-jitsu in the morning and sparring in the afternoon.


A combination of wrestling, strength and conditioning work, a light swim and some stretches.


Sparring and massage.



Here is a video of some of the workouts he does: