
Croatian BJJ league! 13 airplane tickets to European Open in Lisbon as prizes!

Our friends at SUBOS (Alliance BJJ Zagreb) have organized a new BJJ league: MOJ-BANKAR.HR Jiu-Jitsu League which will be comprised of 4 separate events (rounds) in 2012.
The first event is Saturday march 17 in Zagreb Croatia.
13 Airplane tickets to Lisbon for the European BJJ open are the prizes! White belts will also receive kimonos as prizes.
Be sure to check our competition calendar to be updated with the regional competitions:  http://www.bjjeasteurope.com/p/competition-calendar.html

For detailed information: http://crojjleague.com/

  • 1st round: Saturday 17.3.2012.
  • 2nd round: Saturday 26.5.2012.
  • 3rd round: Saturday 13.10.2012.
  • 4th round: Saturday 15.12.2012.